Valve Steam Deck

  • Valve Steam Deck OLED, HDR, battery improvements

    Valve Steam Deck OLED, HDR, battery improvements

    Overnight, Valve has released an updated version of its popular gaming console, Steam Deck OLED. As the name implies, it comes with a new OLED HDR display, a larger battery, Wi-Fi 6E, and an improved 6nm APU from AMD. Steam Deck OLED features New lineup and pricing Along with the announcement of the Steam Deck…

  • An updated Steam Deck 2 model hits the FCC

    An updated Steam Deck 2 model hits the FCC

    A new FCC listing for what appears to be related to the Steam Deck, potentially a Steam Deck 2 or TV, has been made public via the manufacturer, Quectel Wireless Solutions, of a Wi-Fi and Bluetooth module being used in an upcoming device. Steam Deck 1030 The label included with the listing from Quectel Wireless…

  • Forget dbrand, make your Steam Deck transparent with JSAUX

    Forget dbrand, make your Steam Deck transparent with JSAUX

    Popular accessory maker, JSAUX has released a line of transparent backplates for the Steam Deck, giving you a glimpse into the internals of your Steam Deck and taking you back to the days of transparent technology. A quick look at a transparent Steam Deck As of now, the only way to get a ‘transparent’ look…

  • How to customise your Steam Deck Startup Movie

    How to customise your Steam Deck Startup Movie

    Valve’s Steam Deck has gained native support for custom Startup Movies available to purchase through the Points Ship. This is a nice update removing the need to go into desktop mode to change your startup animation. We first noticed this new section in the settings menu after installing the latest beta build. Our Steam Deck…

  • Aperture Desk Job shows the Steam Deck’s true potential

    Aperture Desk Job shows the Steam Deck’s true potential

    Aperture Desk Job from Valve is the ultimate representation of what a game built and optimised for the Steam Deck can be, utilising many of the Steam Deck’s features other games have not yet explored. Note: This does include spoilers to the short game. Be sure to play it before you continue reading. In-game desk…

  • Valve Steam Deck 2: Why it won’t be released soon

    Valve Steam Deck 2: Why it won’t be released soon

    Valve’s Steam Deck has taken the gaming world by storm, and the anticipation for its successor, the Steam Deck 2, is already high. However, Valve’s recent actions suggest that we may not see the Steam Deck 2 anytime soon. In this article, we’ll explore why Valve may not be releasing the Steam Deck 2 soon.…

  • Tutorial: Steam Deck VR with Meta Quest 2 or Quest 3

    Tutorial: Steam Deck VR with Meta Quest 2 or Quest 3

    Looking to play VR on your Steam Deck? You can now use the Meta Quest 2 and Meta Quest 3 VR headset for a wire-free setup that’s fast, easy, and ideal for gaming or productivity. Follow our tutorial below. Update: This works with the Meta Quest 3. This tutorial is an updated version based on…

  • Buying a Steam Deck in Australia? Here’s what you need to know

    Buying a Steam Deck in Australia? Here’s what you need to know

    If you’re thinking of purchasing a Steam Deck in Australia, there are a few important things to keep in mind. Valve, the company behind Steam and the Steam Deck haven’t officially announced support for its handheld console in Australia, leaving many wondering why. Here are the key points you need to know before making your…

  • How to get the Steam Deck in Australia

    How to get the Steam Deck in Australia

    You can now get a Valve Steam Deck in Australia! While it’s not directly from Valve, this is the next best option for Aussie gamers and so far, users are getting what they’ve paid for. Let’s see how it’s possible. Buying a Steam Deck in Australia A common method to get a Steam Deck, and…

  • Easily check if your games are Steam Deck compatible

    Easily check if your games are Steam Deck compatible

    With the Valve Steam Deck days away, Valve has released a new store page that tells you if your Steam library is compatible. A much-needed feature that will save you money if you are planning to get a Steam Deck but have no compatible games. Your Library on (Steam) Deck The new page on the…

  • You can now 3D print your own Valve Steam Deck at home

    You can now 3D print your own Valve Steam Deck at home

    Valve has just taken another step in making the Valve Steam Deck an amazing product, it has released STL, STP files, renders, and drawings for the handheld gaming device giving its loyal community access to it. You can find up-to-date files of this print on PrusaPrinters here and give it a shot yourself. Be sure…

  • Valve’s Steam Deck will open orders on February 25th, shipping 28th

    Valve’s Steam Deck will open orders on February 25th, shipping 28th

    After a recent delay Valve has announced the long-awaited Steam Deck will open for orders on February 25th, with the first lot going out on the 28th, giving those that signed up to reserve a unit the first chance to purchase the future of handheld gaming. Steam Deck orders In a short but sweet update…

  • Valve posts Steam Deck teardown video for user repairs

    Valve posts Steam Deck teardown video for user repairs

    Valve, owner of Steam, has posted a teardown video of the Steam Deck showing users how to replace thumb sticks and upgrade the SSD. A win for the right to repair movement! But Valve shared the video to show you why you really shouldn’t open and fix/upgrade your Steam Deck yourself. Either way, it’s great…